Sunday 20/9/09 - Buzzards and wild flowers on a glorious day

Last night was a good night down at the hide. The badgers showed well, the wild owls were out in force and this weather is very pleasant with light breezes, into my face when I'm in the hide meaning the badgers don't smell me so easily. I do wonder, however, why I'm generally getting just the two badgers.I'm fairly confident that they are the same two most nights and as I see badgers on the way back up to the farm, I know others are around. Why is it only these two visit the hide? Are the other animals more wary or feel it is a long way off their normal feeding routes? I'd be interested to find out...

This afternoon, as it becoming the norm, I wandered over to the Barn Owl Centre for a walk around and to see some birds fly. When I arrive, a small group of people is out on a walk with Leighton, the Buzzard. I wander on down towards them and take a little bit of video of this bird flying amongst the visitors. Leighton is a great bird to be out with. He flys freely into the trees and comes back and lands very close to the visitors. This makes him one of the favourites with visitors, I would guess. It's always nice to see a wild Buzzard when out with Leighton, too, as the visitors can see what this common bird looks like up close.

Here is Leighton flying over the wild flower meadow

When Leighton goes back to the centre, I have a wander around the farm and photograph some of the wild flowers currently on display. It's then back up to the farm to do a bit of IT work on the computers. After that, home and a quick bite then back to the badgers!

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